
Depending on your development environment, you can use different ways to install the solver:

Install with Python

The functionality of vrp-cli is published to, so you can just install it using pip and use from python:

pip install vrp-cli
python examples/python-interop/ # run test example

Alternatively, you can use maturin tool to build solver locally.

You can find extra information in python example section of the docs. The full source code of python example is available in the repo which contains useful model wrappers with help of pydantic lib.

Install from Docker

Another fast way to try vrp solver on your environment is to use docker image (not performance optimized):

  • run public image from Github Container Registry:
    docker run -it -v $(pwd):/repo --name vrp-cli --rm
  • build image locally using Dockerfile provided:
docker build -t vrp_solver .
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/repo --rm vrp_solver

Please note that the docker image is built using musl, not glibc standard library. So there might be some performance implications.

Install from Cargo

You can install vrp solver cli tool directly with cargo install:

cargo install vrp-cli

Ensure that your $PATH is properly configured to source the crates binaries, and then run solver using the vrp-cli command.

Install from source

Once pulled the source code, you can build it using cargo:

cargo build --release

Built binaries can be found in the ./target/release directory.

Alternatively, you can try to run the following script from the project root:

./ examples/data/pragmatic/objectives/berlin.default.problem.json

It will build the executable and automatically launch the solver with the specified VRP definition. Results are stored in the folder where a problem definition is located.