Mind map which describes in short project's goals, used algorithms, and challenges.
mindmapDiagram {
:depth(1) {
BackGroundColor lightGreen
*[#white] solver
right side
* mission/goal
* best feature set
*_ as many features as possible
*_ out of the box
* good quality
*_ close to best known
* fast
*_ return acceptable solutions fast
* low resource consumption
*_ memory
*_ cpu
* features
* variants
*_ Capacitated VRP (CVRP)
*_ Heterogeneous Fleet VRP (HFVRP)
*_ VRP with Time Windows (VRPTW)
*_ VRP with Pickup and Delivery (VRPPD)
*_ VRP with backhauls (VRPB)
*_ Multi-Depot VRP (MDVRP)
*_ Multi-Trip VRP (MTVRP)
*_ Multi-Objective VRP (MOVRP)
*_ Open VRP (OVRP)
*_ VRP with Lunch Break (VRPLB)
*_ VRP with Route Balance (VRPRB)
*_ Periodic VRP (PVRP)
*_ Time dependent VRP (TDVRP)
*_ Skill VRP (SVRP)
*_ Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)
*_ ...
* informal
* stable
*_ pickups, deliveries, skills, etc.
*_ multi-location job
*_ initial solution
*_ scientific formats
*_ ...
* experimental
* job type
*_ service
*_ replacement
* multi-job
*_ minor perf. improv.
* vehicle place
*_ reload
* break
*_ legal break
*_ multiple breaks
*_ unassigned break weight
*_ multi tour
*_ tour balancing
*_ time dependent routing
*_ multiple solutions
*_ ...
* heuristics
* constructive
* insertion
*_ cheapest
*_ n-regret
*_ skip n-best
*_ blinks
*_ + 3 more
*_ nearest-neighbour
* meta
* mutation
* ruin recreate (LNS)
* ruin
*_ adjusted string removal (SISR)
*_ cluster removal (DBSCAN)
*_ random job removal
*_ + 3 more
* recreate
*_ reuse constructuve heuristics
* local search
*_ inter route exch.
*_ intra route exch.
* decomposition
*_ decompose solution into smaller ones
*_ create and solve smaller problems independently
*_ compose a new solution from partial ones
* diversification
* rosomaxa
*_ cluster solutions by ANN (GSOM)
*_ 2D search process visualization
*_ diversity tuning
*_ elite
*_ greedy
* objective
* kind
*_ lexicographical
* types
*_ minimize/maximize routes
*_ minimize cost
*_ minimize unassigned
*_ tour balancing
* hyper
* kind
* selection
* fixed probabilities
*_ select from the list
*_ combine multiple
* dynamic probabilities
*_ MDP model
*_ apply RL
* generative
*_ TBD
* challenges
* exploration/exploitation dilemma
* issues
*_ stagnation
*_ unstable quality results
* solutions
* improve meta-heuristic
*_ more ruin/recreates
*_ optimal deconstruction (removal) size
*_ more local search operators (e.g. 2-opt.)
*_ extra mutation types
* improve hyper-heuristic
*_ RL/MDP: dynamic probabilities [WIP]
*_ ROSOMAXA: dynamic parameters
* algorithm optimizations
*_ data parallelism control
*_ caching
* feature requirements
* issues
* algorithm extensibility
*_ insertion heuristic assumptions
*_ ruin/recreate approach
*_ feature interference
*_ common format representation